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setting session time out for the web interface

Configuring Session Expiry for the Web Interface

Synopsis: This article explains what web session timeout is and  also outlines the steps to set or enable session timeout in the Ezeelogin Web Interface.  

Web session timeout is an event that occurs when a user does not perform any action or remains inactive for a predefined period, leading to the automatic termination of their session.

Set/enable session timeout

Login to the Ezeelogin gateway shell and modify or add timeout values in the ezeelogin conf file, set the variable in seconds.

nano /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf   

     cookie_expiration 3600           # (3600 seconds = 60 min)

The config file for Ezeelogin Version 5  would be /usr/local/etc/ezeelogin.conf

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