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Is it possible to login to Ezeelogin with a disabled AD user?

Will a user be suspended from Ezeelogin if the corresponding user is suspended in Active Directory / LDAP?

Disabling a user account in Windows Active Directory (AD) or LDAP does not automatically suspend the corresponding user account in Ezeelogin. However, the user will be unable to log in to the Ezeelogin GUI or backend (ezsh). The user has to be suspended manually from Ezeelogin and will not be automatically synced from AD/LDAP.

Step 1: To suspend a user from GUI navigate to Users -> Edit user -> Change status to suspended

Step 2: After changing the status to "suspended" the gateway user will no longer be able to login to GUI.

Emergency CLI Method:

Step 1: Log in to the gateway server as the root user.

root@desktop:$ ssh root@{gateway_server_IP or gateway_server_hostname}

Step 2: Run the following command on the gateway server to suspend a user. Replace ezeelogin_username with the actual username of the user to be suspended:

root@gateway:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "update prefix_users set status=0, priv=0 where username='ezeelogin_username'"

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