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Install Ezeelogin on SELINUX enabled Environment

How to install Ezeelogin on SELinux enabled environment?

Overview: This article helps Ezeelogin users to install Ezeelogin on an environment where SELinux is enabled. 

Step 1: Whitelist all required services manually on SELinux. Check the allowed and blocked AVC by entering "audit2allow -a" command 

[root@gateway ~]# audit2allow -a

#============= httpd_t ==============


allow httpd_t self:process ptrace;


#!!!! This avc can be allowed using one of the these booleans:

# httpd_can_network_connect, nis_enabled

allow httpd_t ssh_port_t:tcp_socket name_connect;

The output above from the audit2allow -a command indicates SELinux denials related to the httpd_t (Apache HTTP Server) context.

Step 2: As an example, run the below command to allow the blocked access of httpd

[root@gateway ~]# audit2allow -a -M httpd_t

[root@gateway ~]# semodule -i httpd_t.pp

The AVC for the httpd service will be allowed by entering the above commands. Similarly, allow all required services for Ezeelogin following the same example.

Check if there any services blocking on selinux like STEP 1 from the above example and Follow STEP 2 to allow it . Allow all by repeating the steps and ensure that there is no services blocking on SELINUX.

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