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How to uninstall ezeelogin

How do I uninstall Ezeelogin?

Overview: This article provides the command to uninstall Ezeelogin and erase all its data, with additional options available to customize the uninstall process if needed.

Step 1: Execute the script below with root privileges to uninstall Ezeelogin from the server:

root@gateway:~# php /usr/local/sbin/uninstall_ezlogin.php

Follow the prompts

# Ezeelogin uninstaller #

Checking environment... done

Please note that this will uninstall ezeelogin and remove all of its data.
Are you sure you want to continue? (yes/no) :yes

Step 2: If for some reason it fails to uninstall, use the 'force' option shown below to uninstall.

root@gateway:~# uninstall_ezlogin.php --help

root@gateway:~# uninstall_ezlogin.php --help

_ _
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/ _ \_ / _ \/ _ \ |/ _ \ / _` | | '_ \
| __// / __/ __/ | (_) | (_| | | | | |
\___/___\___|\___|_|\___/ \__, |_|_| |_|

# Ezeelogin Uninstaller #


-help : Show this help
-version : Show the version
-keepdb : Do not remove the database
-force : Do not ask for confirmation

You can check the /var/log/ezlogin_uninstall.log ,if you are having any issues while uninstalling Ezeelogin. 

Contact support with any error messages you may have.

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