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How to suspend ssh gateway user?

Suspend ssh gateway user from webgui

Overview: This article provides instructions for admin privileged users on how to suspend a gateway user's account directly from the web GUI.

Step 1: To suspend a gateway user from web GUI log in as an admin privileged user, navigate to Users -> Edit user -> change the status to suspended. Provide the authorization password (Password of the currently logged-in user) and click on Save.

Step 2: After changing the status to "suspended" the gateway user will no longer be able to login to GUI.


Emergency CLI Method:

To suspend user from CLI follow below steps:

Step 1: Login to gateway server as root user.

root@desktop:$ ssh root@{gateway_server_IP or gateway_server_hostname}

Step 2: Run the following command on the gateway server to suspend a user. Replace ezeelogin_username with the actual username of the user to be suspended:

root@gateway:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "update prefix_users set status=0, priv=0 where username='ezeelogin_username'"

Alternative method to unsuspend the user:

 Step 1: Find the Ezeelogin database name and database prefix from Ezeelogin configuration file which is under /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf on the gateway server.

root@gateway:~# cat /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf | grep -i "db_name\|db_prefix"

Step 2: Login to MySQL as root user. Replace db_name with the correct Ezeelogin database name obtained from the previous command.

root@gateway:~# mysql -u root -p

mysql > use db_name;

Step 3: Run the below command to suspend the user. Replace "dbprefix" with the correct prefix and username with the actual username of the user to be suspended:

mysql> update dbprefix_users set status=0, priv=1 where username='username';

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Reasons for Account Suspension