How to output mysql query results in csv format and view the reports in Excel sheets?
Generate excel report for ezeelogin user details
Overview: This Article Provides Instructions for Generating Ezeelogin User Reports: It covers steps for displaying user details, including usernames, last login times, and user groups, and exporting these details to a CSV file for Excel. It also includes guidance on generating reports for active users and suspended users, with details exported for easy viewing in Excel.
To display the details such as Ezeelogin Username, Last login at which the user has been logged in, and the Usergroups to which user belongs to in the Ezeelogin jump server:
Step 1. Login to mysql
root@jumpserver: ~ mysql -u root -p
mysql > use db_name;
Step 2. The following query would display the username, last login and usergroups
mysql > SELECT A.username AS username, AS usergroup, A.last_login_at AS last_login_at FROM dbprefix_users AS A INNER JOIN dbprefix_usergroups AS B ON A.usergroup_id =;
Step 3. You need to run the following query to export the details to /var/lib/mysql-files/ and to view the generated reports in Excel sheet
mysql> SELECT A.username AS username, AS usergroup, A.last_login_at AS last_login_at FROM dbprefix_users AS A INNER JOIN dbprefix_usergroups AS B ON A.usergroup_id = ORDER BY ASC, A.username ASC INTO OUTFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/users-usergroups.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';
To generate the reports of active users in the Ezeelogin gateway server and view in Excel sheet
Step 2. The following query would display the active users in the Ezeelogin gateway server
mysql> select username from db_prefix_users where status=1;
To display the suspended users in the Ezeelogin gateway server, you need to change the status as 0 in the above query
Step 3. You need to run the following query to export the details to /var/lib/mysql-files/ and to view the generated reports in Excel sheet
mysql> select username from db_prefix_users where status=1 INTO OUTFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/active-users.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';
You have to use the correct db_name and dbprefix. You can find it from /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf
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