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How to grant a user access to control panel

How do I grant access to users in the control panel?

Synopsis:  This article describes how to grant control panel access to specific users through the access control settings.

Follow the steps to grant access to the control panel for user "Tom".

Step 1: Log in to Ezeelogin GUI and grant access to the control panel.

  • Log in to the Ezeelogin Web Interface with a super admin("ezadmin") or admin privilege user. 
  • You can use the access control to grant control panel access to the users.
  • Navigate to Access Control > User Action > Servers > Select the particular user to which you need to grant access to the control panel > And Enable Control Panel Login.

Step 2: Login as user "tom" and check.

  • Login As User "Tom" and check the user would have granted permission to the control panel as follows:

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