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Error log file and configuration file to troubleshoot

Ezeelogin Troubleshooting: Error Logs and Configuration Files  

synopsis: This article provides information about error log files for both backend operations and web interface(Webgui), along with instructions on monitoring console errors.

Location of configuration and log files for troubleshooting? 

The configuration file is located at /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf

Ezeelogin has two log files one for the web interface and one for the backend ssh interface.


  • The front end or web interface runs on PHP; hence, we have a separate log file for it. The log files are stored in the /{system folder specified at the installation time.
  • If you experience any issues on the web interface or GUI, refer to this log file for details.

  Run the following command to navigate to the log directory:

 root@Gateway:~# cd $(awk '/^system_folder/ {print $2}' /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf)/application/logs/

  • You can find the same path by checking the system_folder in /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf. The path would be /{system folder}/application/logs/. After changing to that directory, you can check the latest log. Refer the below screenshot.



  • The backend or SSH error logs for each Ezeelogin user are stored in the /home/{username}/ezsh.log file. Replace {username} with the user who is facing the issue.
  • If you are having any issues with the ssh logins, this is the log file to look at.

3. How to check error from browser console  ?

step 3.a. Open the web page where you encountered errors.

step 3.bRight-click on the page and select "Inspect" from the menu. This will open the Chrome DevTools.

step 3.c. In the DevTools window, navigate to the "Console" tab.

 Any errors, warnings, or logs will be displayed in the console.

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