Database connectivity credentials and configuration file
How to view database connectivity credentials and configuration file?
Overview: This article provides details on database configuration files in Ezeelogin and includes steps for viewing database credentials.
Step 1: The database configuration files are stored on the Ezeelogin server in /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf.
system_folder /var/www/ezlogin/
force_https no
uri_path /ezlogin/
db_host localhost
db_port /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
db_name ezlogin_pods
db_user ezlogin_mkn
db_pass Z%%e$^GZ{kB4EDD
db_prefix djw_
cookie_encryption_key kRF*uAKF_bB/e54DD
cookie_name gpy
cookie_path /ezlogin/
www_folder /var/www/html/ezlogin/
admin_user superadmin
mysql_encrypt no
Step 2: In order to decrypt the database password from Ezeelogin configuration file, run the following command on the jump server.
Step 3: After executing the above command you can see the database credentials as shown below: