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Multi-server Operations

Multi-server Operations in Ezeelogin

Synopsis: This article provides an overview of updating server parameters for multiple servers simultaneously or on selected servers in Ezeelogin.

This icon in the right menu is utilized for adding a server in Ezeelogin.


This icon enables SSH access to all servers or selected servers. The SSH port field displays the port number for servers with SSH enabled.

3. Disable SSH

It disable SSH access for all or selected servers. The SSH Port field would show as disabled.

4. Change SSH Port

This is to change the ssh port of all servers or selected servers. Provide the new ssh port number that  needs to be changed to and click on Save.

5. Change group

This icon in the right menu changes the server group of all servers or selected servers. Select the new ServerGroup from the dropdown menu and click on Save.

6. Reset the SSH fingerprint

 This will reset the ssh fingerprint on  selected servers or all servers. Resetting the SSH fingerprint will clear the fingerprint of the remote server from Ezeelogin database server

7. Reset password on selected servers

 This icon in the right menu lets you easily reset the root passwords on selected servers.

8. Reset password on all servers

This will reset root password on all servers.

9. Setup SSH key on selected servers

This will reset the SSH keys on selected servers. The ssh-key reset progress would be displayed as success/failed. 

10. Setup SSH key on all servers

This will reset the SSH keys on all servers.

11. Delete

This will delete selected or all servers at one go.

12. Setup Sub SSH Users on selected servers

This will create Sub SSH Users on selected servers. 

13. Setup Sub SSH Users on all servers

This will setup Sub SSH Users on all servers.