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How to transfer Ezeelogin SSH session logs recorded to a remote server ?

Transfer Ezeelogin SSH session logs recorded to a remote server

Overview: This article describes steps to create a Linux system user on a remote server, set up SSH-key-based authentication, and transfer SSH session logs from an Ezeelogin Jumpserver using rsync.

Step 1: Create a Linux System User

  • If not already existing, create a Linux system user on the remote server where SSH session logs will be transferred.

You can skip this step if a Linux system user already exists on the remote machine.

  •    Add the user with the following command. You can replace the username "backup-user"  with a username of your choice.

root@remote-server:~#useradd backup-user   

Step 2. Setup SSH-KEY-based authentication for passwordless authentication.
    2.a.) Create an ssh key pair on the server using the following command on the Jumpserver.

root@jumpserver:~# ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:eUKBEdUlDVzQgCKT3QHBVwHHCH0IjWa8cDdNkRBrvZM root@jumpserver
The key’s randomart image is:
---[RSA 2048]----
|     =B#B/@%o    |
|    = @ @=B.o    |
|     B = o.      |
|      .o . o     |
|        S E      |
|         o .     |
|                 |
|                 |

  •  Now, the public key has been saved in the file /root/.ssh/, and the private key in /root/ssh/id_rsa

   2. b) Paste the public key in the remote server user's "backup-user" authorized key file.

root@remote-server:~# vi /home/backup-user/.ssh/authorized_keys

ssh-rsa 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

  • So that you can SSH to a remote server from the Jumpserver without a password.

Step 3.  Copy/sync logs from the Ezeelogin Jumpserver to the remote server using the rsync command.

root@jumpserver:~#rsync -av /var/log/ezlogin  [email protected]:/home/backup-user/ 

  • If you want to copy a ssh user log file to the remote server,  use the following command: 

root@jumpserver:~#rsync -av /var/log/ezlogin/full/ezadm622/  [email protected]:/home/logs/

Related Articles:

View logs of all users.

Decrypt the encrypted SSH logs.