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Different types of Users in Ezeelogin

Types of users in Jumpserver.

OverviewThis article describes the different types of users in Gateway server: Ezeelogin Gateway Users, Remote SSH Users, SubSSH Users, and Pass User Through.

1. Ezeelogin Gateway User

Gateway users are users who are added through the Ezeelogin GUI.
Refer to the below screenshot to add an Ezeelogin gateway user or refer to usermanual.

2. Remote SSH User

Remote SSH users are the users that are logged in when SSH to the remote servers.
Refer below screenshot to add a remote SSH user.

3. SubSSH User

Subssh users are users who are created in WebGUI to log in to the remote servers as non-privileged users.
Refer to the screenshot or article to add subssh user.

4. Pass User Through

Pass user through are users who can log in to a remote server as the same user logging into Web GUI.
Refer below screenshot to enable pass user through.

Related Articles:

Access different servers with different subssh users.

Create more admin users.