How to unsuspend super admin user account or any other gateway user account when they are locked out?
Overview: This article will help to unsuspend the superadmin user (created at the time of Ezeelogin installation) or any other gateway user account when they are locked out due to entering the wrong security code or for any other reason.

Solution 1: If the Ezeelogin has any other admin user.
Step 1: Login as any admin user who has the privilege to edit any other user.

Step 2: Change the status to active and save it with the authorization password (the user password used to log on to the GUI) to unsuspend the gateway user.

Emergency CLI Method:
- Login to gateway server as root user and unsuspend user from CLI.
Step 1: Log in to the gateway server as the root user.
root@desktop:$ ssh root@{gateway_server_IP or gateway_server_hostname}
Step 2: Run the below command in the gateway server and replace the username with the suspended gateway username.
root@gateway:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "update prefix_users set status=1, priv=0 where username='ezeelogin_username'"
Alternative method to unsuspend the user:
Step 1: Find the Ezeelogin database name and database prefix from /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf on the gateway server.
root@gateway:~# cat /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf | grep -i "db_name\|db_prefix"
Step 2: Login to MySQL with the MySQL admin user.
root@gateway:~# mysql -u root -p
Step 3.(A): Use the Ezeelogin database with the correct database name, and replace "dbprefix" with the correct database prefix for all gateway users.
mysql> update dbprefix_users set status=1, priv=0;
Step 3.(B): Use the Ezeelogin database with the correct database name, and replace "dbprefix" with the correct database and replace username with prefix for a single gateway users.
mysql> update dbprefix_users set status=1, priv=0 where username='username';
Related Articles:
Is it possible to login to Ezeelogin with a disabled AD user?
How to suspend ssh gateway user?