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Error creating subssh user with non root user

Error creating sub ssh user with a non-root user


This error commonly arises when you've initially configured your server using a non-root user and attempted to create a sub ssh user within that server, also using a non-root user.

Error: The following error is received while creating a sub ssh user with a non-root user.

Follow the steps below to create a sub ssh user and try logging in with a non-root user.

Step 1: Edit the server and save it with the root user.

Step 2: Enable root permissions in the remote server using the following step:

sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && sudo systemctl restart sshd

Step 3: Try to recreate sub ssh user 'log'

Step 4: Edit the server and mention the non-root user and save it.

Step 5: Try to log into non-remote servers using a sub ssh user.

Related Articles:

SSH user mapping failed

Unmanaged subssh user

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