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ERROR 4192: key error

How to view the error message in the gateway shell and application log?

Overview: This article describes how to view error messages in the Ezeelogin gateway shell and application log to diagnose issues.

1. To check the Ezeelogin version and confirm the error, execute the following command in the gateway server shell:

root@gateway :~# ezsh -v

ERROR 4192: key error
ERROR 7220
Ezeelogin version 7.30.2
(libssh2: 1.10.1_DEV)
Copyright (c) ADMOD, Inc.

2. Tail the latest Ezeelogin application log and view the latest messages to gain more insights:

root@gateway :~# cd $(awk '/^system_folder/ {print $2}' /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf)/application/logs/

root@gateway :~# tail log-2023-xx-xx.php

ERROR 4192: key error
ERROR 7220
ERROR 4192: key error
ERROR 7210

These errors typically stem from license migration issues during the transition from the old billing portal to the new one.

Contact our support department if you face any difficulties. 

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