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An error occurred while trying to submit the form [error: Internal Server Error]

How to solve "An error occurred while trying to submit the form [error: Internal Server Error]" ?

Overview:This article helps to resolve the error "An error occurred while trying to submit the form [error: Internal Server Error]" encountered when adding a new server.

Step 1: This error could mainly occur due to session timeout. Try to re-login to the web GUI and then try adding the server again.

Step 2(A): If the error still persists, check the application log. Append "log_level trace" to the Ezeelogin config file in order to get detailed error messages from error logs. 

root@gateway:~# vi /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf

cver 2
system_folder /var/www/ezlogin/
www_folder /var/www/html/ezlogin/
uri_path /ezlogin/
force_https no
db_host localhost
db_port /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
db_name ezlogin_gxeqs
db_user ezlogin_rfv
db_pass TX/osUaN+eC9tGhEMLP4CkHJOeW6MTsItJtt8sqQftz5+rQpFaL4Di4Kyy1nY9s5crQFTd01Q+twGy/UaWi4KFLVjtAKeAQzJfWzcbXN6aY=
db_prefix bepdc_
cookie_encryption_key PR7ywZcWe56jZUJsyrAdDCHYHPPgu1TP+r0Bdi+1KdnQfErjpmFRYlNppccbK/Vu/HV5zBpgS1qfMae4Q71uxEad3QnV5hnntd5kgdUPe6o=
cookie_name yrpdwm
cookie_path /ezlogin/
admin_user admin
mysql_encrypt no
log_level trace

Step 2(B): Run the following command to navigate to the log directory and tail the latest logs:

root@gateway:~# cd $(awk '/^system_folder/ {print $2}' /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf)/application/logs/

root@gateway:/var/www/ezlogin/application/logs# tail -f <the latest log file>

Related articles:

How to get detailed logs from Ezeelogin error logs?

Error log file and configuration file to troubleshoot

Internal server error

Error: An error occurred while trying to submit the form (error: Internal Server Error)