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An error occurred. Please contact administrator.Connection to server.hostname closed.

How to solve the error the error "An error occurred. Please contact administrator.Connection to server.hostname closed"?

Synopsis: This article helps Ezeelogin gateway users to fix the error "An error occurred. Please contact administrator.Connection to server.hostname closed" while logging into Ezeelogin backend(ezsh)

Step 1: Look for errors in the /home/{username}/ezsh.log.

root@jumpserver:~# tail -f /home/{username}/ezsh.log

Step 2: Ensure the MySQL server is running on the Ezeelogin gateway server.

root@jumpserver:~# service mysql status 

Step 2(A): If MySQL server is not running run below command to start MySQL.

root@jumpserver:~# service mysql start 

Step 3: Ensure there is sufficient disk space on the gateway server. Use the following command to check the available space:

root@jumpserver:~# df -h

Step 4: Ensure that the permissions for the /var/log/ezlogin directory are set correctly. Run below command to fix the log permission.

root@jumpserver:~# /usr/local/ezlogin/eztool.php -fix_log_permissions


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