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How to fix the error "ALERT: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! Contact Administrator" while SSH'ing into the remote server?

Synopsis: This error occurs when the destination server has its OS reloaded or has a new IP address. Resetting the SSH fingerprint will clear the fingerprint of the remote server from Ezeelogin database server. When the remote server is accessed again, the fingerprint will be added automatically. SSH fingerprints allows SSH clients to verify the identity of the server and thus act as a unique identifier for the server’s public key. 

Step 1: Login to Ezeelogin GUI and click on servers tab.

Step 2: Select the single server or select all server and click the "Reset SSH Fingerprint" button on the right menu bar.

Command Line Fix:

1. Reset the fingerprint of all servers. Run the below command.

root@jumpserver@~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "UPDATE prefix_servers SET fingerprint=’’";

2. Reset the fingerprint of a single server. Replace hostname with the correct hostname saved in the GUI.

root@jumpserver@~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "UPDATE prefix_servers SET fingerprint=’’ WHERE name=’hostname_of_the_server ";

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