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Integrate azure AD with LDAP

Enable LDAPS on Azure AD and integrate it into your application. Configure secure LDAP for an Azure Active Directory Domain Services 

Make your Azure Active Directory Domain Service more secure and connect external systems easily with LDAPS. Follow the steps to enable LDAPS and test LDAP queries from an external system.


1.Log into the Azure portal, Search, and Select Azure AD Domain Services 



2. Select your Managed Domain service 



3. Select Secure LDAP 




4. Enable secure LDAP and Allow secure access over the Internet




You should need a digital certificate to encrypt the communication to use secure LDAP. You can get a certificate from a public certificate authority (CA) or an enterprise CA or a  self-signed certificate

5. Follow the instruction to create and export a self-signed certificate 

   a) Open a PowerShell window as Administrator and run the following commands. Replace the $dnsName variable with your managed domain, For example

#Define your own DNS name used by your managed domain
#Get the current date to set a one-year expiration

#Run the command to generate  the certificate

New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject *.$dnsName `
-NotAfter $lifetime.AddDays(365) -KeyUsage DigitalSignature, KeyEncipherment `
-Type SSLServerAuthentication -DnsName *.$dnsName, $dnsName

You can view the following output if the certificate was successfully created

b) Export a certificate for Azure AD DS

  • open run on windows machine and enter mmc , press ok
  • click on the File and select    Add/Remove Snap-in

         select certificates and click on Add , click ok



  • then select  Local computer: (the computer this console is running on) , then click  Finish .
  • In the MMC window, expand Console Root. Select Certificates (Local Computer), then expand the Personal node , followed by the Certificates node.





  • Right-click on this certificate, then choose All Tasks > Export
  • Export Private Key page, choose Yes, export the private key, then select Next .
  • Select Personal Information Exchange - PKCS #12 (.PFX) as the file format for the certificate. Check the box for Include all certificates in the certification path if possible
  • Click Next and type a password and follow the prompts

You will get the certificate exported in pfx format. Now you can continue on Azure portal 

6. Select the folder icon next to .PFX file with secure LDAP certificate. Browse to the path of the .PFX file you exported in the previous step and enter the password to decrypt which you have used while exporting and save.


7. Click on Properties and add configure your DNS provider to create a host record to resolve to this  Secure LDAP external IP address



You can configure this to your Local DNS forwarder or to your system host to resolve locally for testing.


Test the LDAPS queries from an external system 

Add the following  Secure LDAP external IP address to your host file on the system

1. Open LDP.exe tools and enter the domain name, Port 636, select SSL and click ok



2. Open Connection > Bind, Select Bind with credentials and input your Username, Password, and Domain  of the Azure Bind User 

3.  Open View > Tree will list the entire Active Directory Tree.


You can also run LDAPSEARCH from your terminal as follows. You should use "LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never" if you are using a self-signed certificate.

john@dellpc:~# LDAPTLS_REQCERT=never ldapsearch -H ldaps:// -D "[email protected]" -W -b "DC=mydomain,DC=com"


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