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server root password mass reset - Is there any risks for corruption?

Server Root Password Mass Reset: Assessing Risks of Corruption

Overview: This article clarifies that closing the browser during a mass password reset poses no risk of corruption and ensures the process continues in the background unaffected by browser closures.

faq. 1. If we closed the browser by an error during a mass password reset, are there any risks for corruption or issues?

No Risk of Corruption During Browser Closure

  • Closing the browser during a mass password reset does not pose a risk of corruption.
  • The web application initiates password resets in batches across servers.
  • Closing the browser affects only the servers for which batches have already been initiated.

faq. 2. Does the process run in the background? Is it automatically killed if the browser is closed?

Process Continues in the Background

  • The password reset process continues in the background.
  • Batches that have already been initiated will run to completion even if the browser is closed.
  • This ensures that ongoing password resets proceed unaffected by browser closures.

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