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Add / update / delete servers through ezeelogin API

How to add/delete/update servers in GUI using Ezeelogin API

Login to Ezeelogin GUI > Open Settings >  API
Add the details of API configurations and Make sure API is enabled in API settings for the API script to work.


An API script is provided for automating server add/edit/delete tasks in Ezeelogin. With the help of this script, you can integrate Ezeelogin with any 3rd party application managing your clients/customers. Also, make sure to enable API.

The API script can be executed as:

root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php [params...]

For Help 

root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php -help


ezwapi.php -help <action>
action : API action (add_server/update_server/remove_server/reset_fingerprint/add_user_server_acl)

1. Add Server 

root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php -help add_server


ezwapi.php add_server -api_url <API URL> -secret <API secret> -name <hostname> -description <description> -password <password> -ip_address <IP address> -group <group> [-ssh_port <port>] [-ssh_user <username>] [-keep_password <Y/N/S>]

[-enable_ssh <Y/N/H>] [-cp <control panel>]

-api_url : The API URL

-secret : The API secret configured in web panel settings

-name : The server host name

-description : A description for the server 

-password : The server password

-ssh_key : The SSH private key file (optional)

-passphrase : The SSH key pass phrase (optional)

-ip_address : The server IP address

-ssh_port : The server SSH port (optional, use default if unspecified)

-ssh_user : The server SSH user (optional, use default if unspecified)

-switch_user : Switch to this user after login as SSH user (optional)

-switch_pass : Password for switch user (optional)

-switch_sudo : Y or N or E to escalate privilege with 'sudo su' or 'enable' (for Cisco devices) (optional, default: N = disabled)

-prompt1 : Unique string in shell prompt of SSH user (optional)

-prompt2 : Unique string in password prompt for su or sudo (optional, default: Password:)

-prompt3 : Unique string in shell prompt of root user (optional, required for sudo)

-group : The server group name

-keep_password : Y (keep given password), N (automatic) or S (keep server password as such - no verification) (optional, default: Y)

-enable_ssh : Y, N or H to enable/disable/via Host Node (optional, default: N)

-ishn : Y or N to make this a Host Node or not (optional, default: N)

-onhost : The name of Host Node (optional, default: N)

-cp : The control panel name (optional, use default if unspecified)

-dc : The datacenter name (optional, use default if unspecified)

-rc_host : The remote console host (optional)

-rc_user : The remote console user (optional)

-rc_pass : The remote console password (optional)

 The below example shows how to add a  Server in GUI with the  remote ssh user as 'root'

root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php add_server -api_url -secret zjdfji@#$! -name -description desctest -ssh_user root -password test123 -ip_address -group test -enable_ssh Y -keep_password S

Special characters password can be saved using API with single quotes.

eg: -password '??r&5Q*gyKc6nGAE()'

The example below shows how to  add a  server in GUI when the remote ssh user is non-privileged user 'admin'

root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php add_server -api_url -secret 123#$4  -ssh_user admin -group linux -ssh_key /root/.ssh/id_rsa -name skunk.ezno.con -ip_address -prompt1 ']$ ' -prompt2 'ssword:' -enable_ssh Y 

How will I find the prompts for the ssh_user?

The easiest way to find the prompt1 is to ssh as the user directly into the server. The prompts may vary depending on the remote OS in use. For example, when the remote machine is Centos 5.6,7, the login prompts when a non-root user logs in are 

[admin@skunk ~]$ cd /home

Here the unique string that remains permanent are "]$ ". Note that there are 3 characters including space.

For Ubuntu 14,16 ,18

admin@ubu-nscd:~$ cd /home

Here the unique string that remains permanent are the characters "cd:".

To find prompt2, simply run su - as a non root user.

[admin@skunk home]$ su -


The prompt 2  or the unique string that remains permanent would be  "rd:" 

The prompt 3 would be how the root prompt looks like 

[root@skunk home]#

Above the unique characters that is permanent are  "ot@sk" or "root@" etc.

2. Update Server 

root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php -help update_server


ezwapi.php update_server -api_url <API URL> -secret <API secret> -name <hostname> [-newname <new hostname>] [-password <password>] [-ip_address <IP address>] [-ssh_port <port>] [-ssh_user <username>]
[-group <group>] [-keep_password <Y/N/S>] [-enable_ssh <Y/N>] [-cp <control panel>]

-api_url : The API URL
-secret : The API secret configured in web panel settings
-name : The server host name
-newname : The new host name (optional)
-description : A description for the server
-password : The server password (optional)
-ssh_key : The SSH private key file (optional)
-passphrase : The SSH key pass phrase (optional)
-ip_address : The server IP address (optional)
-ssh_port : The server SSH port (optional)
-ssh_user : The server SSH user (optional)
-switch_user : Switch to this user after login as SSH user (optional)
-switch_pass : Password for switch user (optional)
-switch_sudo : Y or N or E to escalate privilege with 'sudo su' or 'enable' (for Cisco devices) (optional, default: N = disabled)
-prompt1 : Unique string in shell prompt of SSH user (optional)
-prompt2 : Unique string in password prompt for su or sudo (optional)
-prompt3 : Unique string in shell prompt of root user (optional, required for sudo)
-rdp_port : The server RDP port (optional, use default if unspecified)
-group : The server group name
-keep_password : Y (keep given password), N (automatic) or S (keep server password as such - no verification) (optional)
-enable_ssh : Y, N or H to enable/disable/via Host Node (optional)
-ishn : Y or N to make this a Host Node or not (optional)
-onhost : The name of Host Node (optional)
-cp : The control panel name (optional)
-dc : The datacenter name (optional)
-rc_host : The remote console host (optional)
-rc_user : The remote console user (optional)
-rc_pass : The remote console password (optional)


root@jumpserver:~#   php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php update_server -api_url -secret zjdfji@#$! -name -description desctest -password test123 -ip_address -group test -ssh_port 22 -rdp_port 3389

3. Delete Server

root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php -help remove_server


ezwapi.php remove_server -api_url <API URL> -secret <API secret> -name <hostname>

-api_url : The API URL

-secret : The API secret configured in web panel settings

-name : The server host name

Example - Delete Server

root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php  remove_server -api_url -secret  zjdfji@#$! -name 

4. Reset fingerprint for remote devices

root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php -help reset_fingerprint


ezwapi.php reset_fingerprint -api_url <API URL> -secret <API secret> -name <hostname>

-api_url : The API URL
-secret : The API secret configured in web panel settings
-name : The server host name

Example - Reset fingerprint of remote devices

root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php reset_fingerprint -api_url -secret 123456 -name

5. User-server access control


root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php -help add_user_server_acl

ezwapi.php add_user_server_acl -api_url <API URL> -secret <API secret> -user <username> -server <hostname> [-defer]

-api_url : The API URL
-secret : The API secret configured in web panel settings
-user : The username
-server : The server host name
-defer : Defer the ACL addition if user doesn't already exist (optional)


root@jumpserver:~# php /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php add_user_server_acl -api_url -secret zxcvbnm -user victor -server centos.server



   Make sure API is enabled in API settings for the API script to work.
If you need to execute the API script from a server other than the Ezeelogin installed server(jump server), copy /usr/local/ezlogin/ezwapi.php and /usr/local/ezlogin/apilib file to the server which you want to execute. PHP should be installed on the server.
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