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Disabling reCAPTCHA

How to disable Recaptcha 

Synopsis: The following article describes how a user can disable recaptcha from GUI and database.

Here are the steps to disable reCAPTCHA on the login page:

  • Disable the captcha on the login page from Ezeelogin Web GUI.

Step 1: Navigate to Settings > General > under Authentication > choose to disable Login captcha > Save it.

Emergency CLI Method:

  • Disable the captcha on the login page from the database.

Step 1: Connect to MySQL: Access the MySQL database on the Ezeelogin installed gateway.

Step 2 : Find Configuration Details: Locate the database name, user, and table prefix from the configuration file:

:~# nano /usr/local/etc/ezlogin/ez.conf

Step 3 : Update the Settings: Run the following command to update the login_captcha setting: Ensure you replace prefix_ with the actual table prefix found in the configuration file.

php /usr/local/ezlogin/ez_queryrunner.php "update prefix_settings SET value='N' WHERE name='login_captcha';"

Following these steps will disable the reCAPTCHA on the login page.

Related Articles:

Enable Google ReCaptcha.

Recaptcha images not loading

Getting reCaptcha: Could not open socket Connection timed out