
RDP session recording


RDP Session Recording

record rdp session

You can record rdp session performed via the browser tab. Recording rdp session for your staff or employees accessing your windows servers via rdp is mandatory to meet various security compliances such as pci dss, hippa, FFIEC, SOX, SOC, NIST, NERC, ISO 27001, GDPR and more. A responsible company would record all action performed by it employees on remote mission critical server via RDP. Cyber attacks are very rampant these days and stringent privacy measures like GDPR are in place to ensure that customers data is not leaked in anyway. System administrators could lose sleep when something happen and features like this would give them the peace of mind. The recording that we have built into our jump server software lets you play back the recording at different speeds. The rdp recordings are important whenever you are tasked with the responsibility of performing a forensic audit when you are the victim of a cyber crime or an attack and that is when these recording would be a blessing in disguise. Setup rdp via browser for quick access without having to install rdp client and view the rdp session recordings quickly across your enterprise.

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