
Automated root password management on Linux servers


Automatic root password management

Boss wants you to enable password based authentication on hundred  Linux server, he wants you to  set 30 plus character strong password on each server, share the root passwords with  developers ,  change the root passwords again once the developers logs out of the servers at the end of the day, also your boss want you to reset the root password on all the Linux server on a daily basis  as he is paranoid  when it comes to security.

Well without eating your boss alive and instead to get a promotion, here is the magic wand, use the Ezeelogin root password management feature and you will  be able to meet all his requirement and if not even better. Being a Linux system administrator you know for fact that Key based authentication are exponentially stronger even if your passwords are 100 characters long but for some unearthly reasons you need to have password based authentication enabled on your hundred Linux servers.

Here are the key issues that Ezeelogin root password management features addresses.

  • Automatically set and reset and strong root passwords up to 32 characters long in a click on hundreds or thousands of Linux servers
  • Schedule periodic reset of root password across all your linux servers in a click
  • Reset root passwords on all your Linux server in a click.

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